So while it has a use, and that use isn't exactly a waste of time, it's pretty utility based, and you're gonna need some good positioning to get the most amount of people. I mean, yeah, it really fun to use in a team fight, and early game it can get some amazing wins in a team fight, since won't have more than 30 armor by level six, so their armor will get into the negatives, and you'll deal more and more damage each tick. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, its pretty ****.

"Why is this good? It just seems like a ****ty-er version of Witch Doctor's Voodoo Restoration with a bit of damage." But what you may not know, or even if you do, the damage STACKS FROM EACH TARGET HEALED AROUND THE ENEMY.Yes, so if you play with any hero that has illusions (as in most of the good carries this update), then just wait for them to jump on the enemy support and then BAM, that's like, what, 1k damage? That's more than most heroes' ults do! Meepo and Anti Mage can suck it. Of course, you don't count as one of the jumps, so you just heal yourself, minions, your whole team, and as enemies gather around those targets, they get damaged. What kind of damage, you may ask? well, of course it is PHYSICAL DAMAGE you ********ed degenerate (I'm just kidding, I love you like a unborn child). Not only does it have a low cost, large heal, and JUMPS, but it deals mad damage in an aoe around the healed targets. This ability is the end all be all of stupid abilities in the game of Doto. This is where the ******** really begins. ******** valve, it takes so long to cast).Īlright.

However, when you play Tezel carry, you have the power to prevent your own death (as long as you have half a minuet to cast shallow grave. Now, most of the time, when a Dazzle is a support and you play the carry (as I know you will because you, like me, can play anyone as a carry) the Dazzle won't get close enough to Shallow Grave you, and will complain that you just arn't good enough. The one people are afraid of, because of the glory and the rewards that can be gained are too great for their tiny minds. I mean, it is because of that, but then they reduced it to 40 seconds, so now every Riki's just walking around like "HURR DERR DERR, I'M A DONDI." But what you, my fair Dazzle player must know, is that you take the high road. It's like saying Tricks of the Trade is bad because people can just walk out of the aoe. If nothing could pierce Shallow Grave, then Dazzle would be even more broken. Well, to them I say, well sorry, just gotta get good. "Oh, but it can be pierced by Axe's ult, so it's baaaaaaaaaaaaad" some might say. Much like how Undying's Tombstone is far better than his actual ult, Shallow Grave is just broken. SON I AIN'T NO GHOST.Īlight, now this is pretty much your ult. THAT'S RIGHT BOYS, GRAB A MOUNTAIN DEW, IT'S TIME TO RUIN THE MINDS OF PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE DAZZLE IS A NORMAL CASTER. deserves-to-be-in-8k-but-is-in-2k Ember Spirit, How are you going to block my spells when they are all PHYSICAL DAMAGE. Pff, its so bad, I can just use a magic shield and i'm fine. While it may seem as if "aww, its just a small poison. I've play many DotA games in my time, and by far, faceing a Support Dazzle with Orb of Venom and Poison Touch is enough to contract cancer. Or, you believe I am a fool and want to find out how much I will commit to this ****py joke.

Either way, I'm Chaosmaster767 (The Captain on Steam) and welcome to the best Dazzle carry guide you will ever find.Īlright normal-sized-neck DotA players, if you're still reading this, then you truly understand how beautiful and strong Dazzle is as a hard carry. I'd prefer to be Suma1L, but Dendi is more well known). I'm basically Dendi (I mean, he's alright. See, I wrote it as Defense of the Ancients, so the A is capitalized. This is for only the PRO-EST of DotA 2 players. Go eat some leaves in trees to high for normal-neck-sized animals). You see where i'm going here? If not, get out of my dojo you foolish League of Legends giraffe (It's a good game, but this ain't for you. However, how can Russians ruin a game when you pick a hard carry like Dazzle? You need some support to push the enemy out of lane, but other than getting farm, you have a heal bomb, which is PHYSICAL DAMAGE, a q with a large slow, poison and mini-stun, which is PHYSICAL DAMAGE, and a ultimate, which lowers the enemies armor, increasing the amount of PHYSICAL DAMAGE they take.